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Graduates of University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Information Management, 2011

Three years ago we welcomed our first students from Kazakshtan in the Czech Republic – Alfiya and Leila. After guiding them through the whole application process, including the student visa application process, they finally got admitted to the University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Information Management. After arriving at Ruzyne airport in Prague where we picked them up and transferred them to the city of Hradec Kralove, we helped them get accommodated in the dormitory, gave an introductory visit to the University, arranged student transportation tickets, cellphones, showed them the local shopping centres and gave them all the useful information they would need for their new life in the Czech Republic. We remember how worried and nervous our students were in the first few days away from their families and friends. But we also saw the sparkle in their eyes and excitement, their strong character and willingness to achieve their academic goals. Now, after three wonderful years of international study experience, they have completed their first degree and obtained their BSc. in Information Management. We are so proud of you, Leila and Alfiya! Congratulations! Read our students' stories below:

Alfiya Rustemova, BSc., University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Information Management

"My name is Alfiya Rustemova. I am from Kazakhstan. This year I graduated from the University of Hradec Kralove. I got bachelor degree in Information Management. Becoming a foreign student can change your life in many aspects.

In conclusion, being a foreign student is great!

For me it was very exciting to go to a foreign country. Being a foreign makes you learn a lot of things, but at the beginning it can be somewhat difficult, as it happened to me. I have chosen the Czech Republic because it’s in the heart of Europe. I wanted to study at the high level and universities.cz helped me. Czech Republic is known for strong and great universities.

When I decided to study at University of Hradec Kralove I didn’t know what to expect, I was little scared. But when I came to Hradec Kralove I soon realized that it is surrounded by wonderful people, qualified teachers and friendly students. And I started feel like I’m at home! I was studying Information Management. I liked it because it’s not only IT and Management but we also learned Economics which is my favourite branch of study. In our faculty we have strong and qualified teachers. University is known for its friendly and international atmosphere. I’ve met so many new and interesting people from all over the world. I found new friends and I’m very grateful for that opportunity! I love our university; it’s very new, modern and well equipped. And the city Hradec Kralove is such a small, beautiful and cosy city! It’s a great place for studying.

Of course, first time I missed my family and everything was new for me: people, culture, food, and the way of life. But soon I started to learn everything and I felt good then.

Leaving your house and going to another country to study is an experience in your life that cannot be compared to any other experience. I learn how to be independent, and I met a lot of nice and interesting people. It may be somewhat difficult to live without parents and in another city, but this makes you learn how to live your life better and how to appreciate what you have. And also you start to appreciate the things you achieve during that time because you learn that your goals are not achieved easily, but that they cost a lot of work and effort. I saw many countries, met new interesting people and I am grateful to my family and universities.cz for that opportunity!"

Leila Yelemessova, BSc., University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Information Management

"I remember my first day in Czech Republic as it was just yesterday. I arrived here with my school friend, so we discovered it together. First year for me was so scary; I had a lot of doubt about myself, my abilities and language skills.

Today I already have my Bachelor degree from University of Hradec-Kralove in Information Management. When I came out from the class where my State Exam took place, I realized how many things I’ve learnt during my study. I’ve just compared my first year with that moment. Taking into account my first presentation in this university, how much it was scary for me and how boring it was for audience, and presentation of my thesis on the last year. I haven’t been so nervous, because now, after three years, I know my strengths, have a great knowledge about Management, Economics and Information technologies, which gives me a lot of opportunities and confidence in my future.

I’m so much thankful to my parents (who gave me this chance), universities.cz team, University, teachers, students, and all those people, who helped me during these three wonderful years.  Thank you for this excellent experience and the way to a desired future."



0 Universities.CZ 2011-06-20 14:59 #1
Graduation 2011

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