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Tuition fees for different study programmes in 2015

Tuition fees for different study programmes in 2015

Tuition fees range from 3 000 EUR – 17 000 EUR per year. The amount itself depends on the relevant institution and the study programme.

Faculties of the Czech Universities

Czech higher education institutions are divided into public, state and private institutions.

In the Czech Republic there are:

  • 26 public higher education institutions
  • 2 state higher education institutions
  • 44 private higher education institutions


392 429 students at higher education institutions

38 942 foreign students at higher education institutions

Czech Higher Education Degrees

  • Maturitní vysvědčení,
  • Diplomovaný specialista (DiS.)
  • Bakalář (Bc.)
  • Bakalář umění (BcA.)
  • Magistr (Mgr.)
  • Magistr umění (MgA.)
  • Inženýr (Ing.)
  • Inženýr architekt (Ing.arch.)
  • Doktor medicíny (MUDr.)
  • Zubní lékař (MDDr.)
  • Doktor veterinární medicíny (MVDr.)
  • Doktor farmacie (PharmDr.)
  • Doktor filozofie (PhDr.)
  • Doktor práv (JUDr.)
  • Doktor přírodních věd (RNDr.)
  • Licenciát teologie (ThLic. , ThDr.)
  • Doktor teologie (Th.D.)

Higher Education Qualifications in the Czech Republic

The qualification structure recognises bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

  • A bachelor study programme (bakalářský studijní program) aims at qualifying to enter a profession or a master study programme. It takes 3 or 4 years (180-240 ECTS credits). Graduates receive the academic degree bakalář umění (BcA.) in the field of arts, and bakalář (Bc.) in other fields. The study programme must be completed in due form with a final state examination, which usually includes the presentation and defence of a bachelor thesis.
  • A master study programme (magisterský studijní program) follows a bachelor study programme. The length is 1 – 3 years (60 – 180 ECTS credits). In selected fields, where the nature of the study programme so requires (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law etc.) a master study programme need not follow on from a bachelor programme. In this case, the programme lasts 4 - 6 years (240 – 360 ECTS credits). Admission to these study programmes is conditional on passing the “maturita” examination (see access to bachelor studies).

Prague Sights

The Old Town of Prague:

For over 600 years a strange spectacle has unfolded at five minutes to the hour, every hour, high above Prague’s Old Town Square. The monumental Astrological Clock on Old Town Hall’s facade springs to life: a parade of the 12 Apostles creaks by, grossly stereotypical adversaries of the Holy Roman Empire such as the Jewish moneylender and the fearsome Turk pop out of other windows; a skeleton ominously shakes his hourglass, reminding of Death and the Plague. Many legends surround this monstrously beautiful timepiece, including the dire prediction that, should the clock ever stop, the ghosts of the 27 Czech nobles, beheaded here on the square in 1620, shall rise up in that instance, and demand an explanation!

Higher Education Institutions in the Czech Republic

Higher education institutions form the highest level of Czech education. They offer accredited study programmes at three levels - bachelor, master, and doctoral, as well as lifelong learning. Higher education institutions are either university-type or non university-type.

University-type higher education institutions may offer all types of study programmes (bachelor, master and doctoral) and carry out associated scholarly, research, developmental, artistic or other creative activities. Non university-type higher education institutions offer mainly bachelor study programmes, but may also provide master study programmes and carry out associated scholarly, research, developmental, artistic or other creative activities.

Brno - the City of Universities

Brno lies in the centre of the European continent, and is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. Brno also symbolically represents the heart of the province of Moravia, one of the historic lands of the Czech crown. It is situated at the crossroads of ancient trade routes which have joined the North and South European civilizations for centuries. Brno is a city with a definite cosmopolitan flavour and its lengthy and rather grand boulevards at times offer a distinctive Parisian atmosphere.

Brno is situated in a picturesque countryside, surrounded on three sides by wooded hills and opening to the Southern Moravian lowlands to the south of the city. In the north, the city is guarded by the foothils of the Drahany and Bohemian-Moravian ranges. Brno is also easy to get to by train from Prague, Vienna, and Bratislava.

MBA in Prague and the Czech Republic

Not so long time ago MBA program would hardly be found in the Czech Republic. Nowadays, MBA is a modern and prestigious degree which adds value to your professional carrier and helps you become more attractive on the job market. Now, there are plenty of universities that offer MBA studies in Prague and Brno. Top level executives, young ambitious managers, successful entrepreneurs and full-time mums are all studying for an MBA – but what is it? We will give you a simple explanation of the different types of MBA programs and some options of where you can study MBA in Prague or the Czech Republic.

The MBA, or Masters in Business Administration, is a graduate degree designed to provide students with knowledge of business practice. The degree originated in the United States in the late 19th century and today is offered by business schools and universities around the globe.

Czech Cities

Kutna Hora

There are cities that retain their glory throughout the ages: such is the medieval town of Kutna Hora, due east of Prague. As legend has it, one day in the 13th century a monk from Sedlec monastery was out collecting firewood in the forest, when he stumbled upon some silver nuggets. Laying down his robe as a marker, he hurried home to tell his fellow monks about his fortuitous discovery. The ensuing “silver fever” transformed the city of Kutna Hora into the silver capital of the Middle Ages. There are many interesting places to see: the courtyard where Italian silversmiths minted the famous “Prague penny”; the Sedlec Ossuary for a taste of the truly grotesque. Lovers of the macabre will gape in appreciation at the chapel’s interior: the altar and all its appointments, including a massive chandelier, have been fashioned from over 40 thousand human bones, skulls and all. In addition, there is one of Europe’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring Gothic cathedrals, dedicated to Saint Barbara, the patroness of miners.

University Education for International Students in the Czech Republic

For most people, university life is a big turning point in life for this is the time to make the most out of the glory of youth. This is usually the period when most people get to explore different facets of their individuality. But in order to truly experience the entire university life package, it is best to come out from your own comfort zones, like becoming an international student in the heart of Europe! And what could be better than studying in the Czech Republic, which has some of the most highly respected universities not only in the region, but also in the world.

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